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The window contains fragments of 14th and 15th century glass.
The censing angels in the tracery constitute the oldest glass in the church and possible date from 1309 (when the chancel was rebuilt).
They are pictured in a style redolent of early 14th century manuscript painting.
The remainder of the glass is believed to date from the 15th century as follows:
- The four roundels which bear the text of Nunc Dimittis, were produced in the latter years of the Wighton workshop of 1460 – 1480
- The shield is made up of two broken coats of arms. It was produced post 1475.The right hand shield was born by John Delapole (1442 – 91), the 2nd Duke of Norfolk
- The heads of God the Father and the Virgin Mary would originally have been part of a scene depicting the Coronation on the Virgin Mary.
- The central fragmentary panel bears the name St Gregory, which may relate to the figure also depicted, who wears a doctor’s cap. The existence of the name and the figure seems to indicate that at some time the Doctors of the Church would have all featured in the glazing.